The environment at Volkswagen Slovakia

Volkswagen Slovakia has a separate department which deals with the environment and coordinates activities in the areas of air protection, water protection and waste management. However, the environment concerns all of us, from our staff in the planning departments and employees in manufacturing to those in non-manufacturing operations.

Care and protection of the environment is an important part of the company strategy which is focused on long-term growth in value. The effects manufacturing processes have on the environment are therefore always taken into account in advance. In carrying this out, the company is governed by principles of environmental and waste management, energy saving, water management and the deployment of the best available technologies.

Environmental policy at Volkswagen Slovakia

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Strategy of ecological production

Ecological production strategy - ZERO IMPACT FACTORY

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Information about the environment

Volkswagen Slovakia publishes information about the environment

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Department Head

Mgr. Michaela Hletková Ploszeková MBA
Tel.: +421 902 471 299


Environmental Representative

Alexander Matušek
Tel.: +421 2 6964 2410